Confirmation candidates speak

This week two of our young people have been confirmed. It’s great to be able to share their testimonies here. They’ve asked us not to use their names online.

Candidate A says:

I am very curious and questioning. I love to deepen my knowledge. I used to love the stories from the Bible when I was young and would ask questions that my parents would find hard to answer. Eventually I gained an interest in tech. I was fortunate to be given the opportunity to serve on the church tech team, working on sound. By doing so, I had to listen to the lyrics of the songs carefully and realised that some resonated with my faith journey and others I had questions with. Some that are very difficult to answer. Therefore, I am taking this step to deepen my knowledge and love for God and hopefully get answers to more questions that I have, while serving the church family.

Candidate B says:

The story of my faith began when I was baptised as an infant. Since then I have regularly attended church and strengthened my relationship with God. Some experiences that helped me understand Christian beliefs were Youth Alpha courses and the youth weekend away. These were times I felt particularly close to God. I faced a struggle during the pandemic, since church was no longer in person and every prayer seemed to link back to Covid, but I trusted God and returned stronger than ever. It’s now come to the point where I’m ready to fully commit myself to God through confirming my Christian faith.

Please pray for our two candidates as they continue on their faith journey.


Christmas reading and listening


Is it too soon…?